Saturday 7 July 2012

Why should you become Agile

One word:

I believe that a developer work should be one filled with the joy of creation. When I started out to become a programmer I thought that it would be great. my work will be filled with:

  • Joy of creation when working on building a solution to other people problems

  • moments of joy when completing new things and releasing them to the market

  • moments of satisfaction from work well done

  • moments of eureka when I find great solution to difficult problems

  • moments of collaboration when I work with my team members to achieve a shared goal

a few years later I found out that:

  • its not fun when you finally get your product to the market realizing you just solved the wrong problem

  • Its annoying that whatever you are doing always seems to take longer then expected

  • its frustrating when you never have enough time to actually complete your work as it should be done

  • its not easy to work along other people which are stressed out just like you.

  • its disappointing that you never get a chance to learn something new because now is not the right time and we first need to finish.

  • its depressing to continuously get a stream of defects on the code you write

  • its terrible to work 3 days straight to understand why the system keeps on crashing at your client, when it behaves perfectly ok in your own environment

  • its frightening to work on unknown parts of the system not knowing if what you will do will only cause more bugs

So why should you become Agile?

Because being agile is one major step towards bringing the joy back to work:

If you really become Agile, you will gain back the control over what you do and how you do it.

If you really become Agile, you might get the chance to truly collaborate with you’re the rest of your team

If you really become Agile, you will work according to market feedback and needs on the important things first

and if you really become Agile, you just might bring some of the joy back to your work.


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